Introducing the whole team at My Virtual Assistant

I had been thinking about using video to promote my business for quite a while, but it takes TIME!
Time to make the video, time to edit the video and time to post that video… and that’s only if you have any idea what to even take a video of!
So, I started off by writing a big list of ideas, which turned into two full pages of ideas - so that meant no more excuses for video content - and then I simply I took the plunge.

My video introduces the whole team at My Virtual Assistant, and those of you that know me, know that I am a one-woman-show working from home.
I dressed up in different outfits and showed me – Marion – as the boss, as a website designer, a virtual assistant, a social media manager and as the cleaning lady! Even my big Maine Coon cat, Saxon, made his debut.
That video got over 600 views (and still climbing) in the first 18 hours, whereas usually my posts on Instagram, Facebook and Linkedin, are lucky if they get 30 views.

I also got two website enquiries from that video and an enquiry from someone asking if I would help them with their social media videos!
You’ve simply got to put yourself out there and don’t worry if it’s not perfect. 

Did you watch the video...?  Click here to view on Instagram.

Yep, I’m a one-woman-band, which means when you’re in touch with My Virtual Assistant you will always know who you are talking to.

This also means your work isn’t outsourced, so you’ll consistently receive the same level of excellent service all the time - every time.

I’m Marion from My Virtual Assistant, I love white caramel chocolate, boating around the Hauraki Gulf, Maine Coon cats (one very handsome boy in particular), buttery chardy, giraffes, interior design, uncomplicated people, Godzone (that’s New Zealand), fancy dress parties, and I’m a self-confessed lemonaholic.  Lemon cheesecake is my downfall.


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