Creating websites with personality

To elevate your business and stand out from the crowd

My story is to tell your story

Hi, I'm Marion from My Virtual Assistant, and I love working with New Zealand business owners.

I'm downright fixated on creating good-looking, functional websites for start-up businesses and small to medium-sized enterprises - just like yours!

This is your opportunity to showcase your business personality, stand out from your competitors, and connect with your customers on a deeper level.

Your website is your very own advertising space

It’s a place where your visitors won’t get distracted by other shiny things (like we so easily do on social media pages!)

And it’s likely to be the place where your dream client’s journey begins...

Website design

Website Design

Did you know you don't have to spend megabucks to get a 'rock star' website for your business?

One that will help you generate leads and sales, and make you stand out from the crowd.

One that will make things easy for your clients to quickly find what they are looking for.

You can have an affordable website for your business.

​Let My Virtual Assistant guide you through the process and help make things easy for you!

Startup Business

Wow! You've taken the plunge and launched your new business (super exciting!)

As a start-up business owner, you're coming to grips with everything that needs doing, tho' you're beginning to recognise you can't do it all on your own.

Even though your intentions are good, getting around to working on your website has been on the back burner for a while now.

You're not entirely sure what to actually put on your website, and to be fair, all that techy stuff isn't really your thing.

That feeling of overwhelm can be so overwhelming, right?!

Start up business


New website

Website Design

When you know you need a website, but you really don't know where to start.

You'd like someone to guide you through the process and keep you updated along the way.

You want a website that connects with your dream client.

Website management

Website Management

When your existing website is looking a little ‘frayed around the edges’.

You're tired of its dated layout and it doesn’t focus on your clients the way it should.

Keeping the site updated feels difficult and overwhelming.

No Nonsense website

No Nonsense Website

When your Startup business is still in its first two years and you need to get online stat!

An affordable, 'no nonsense' website for $590* could be just what you need. 

Perfect for tradies, accountants, business/life coaches... and more!

*Conditions apply

Business Owners

Maybe you've been a business owner for quite a while.

Even though you've already got a website, deep down you know it's not cutting the mustard anymore.

The layout is less than user-friendly.

The whole thing lacks any kind of business personality and looks oh-so dated and blah.

And to be perfectly honest, you’re a bit embarrassed about giving out your website address to potential clients.

Business owner
Tradies and business owners

Or maybe you reckon it's too expensive to get a new website.

You’ve thought about a do-it-yourself website, but layout and design isn't your thing, let alone the time it’s going to take you to figure out how it all works.
A professional online presence - or lack thereof - is playing on your mind and in the meantime, you know you’re losing opportunities and money.

Happy Clients

Carole Unkovich, CU4Admin Limited

"Marion has created a stunning website for my company, CU4Admin Limited, which showcases my services and expertise.

She was attentive to my needs, responsive to my feedback, and delivered the project on time and within budget."

Carole Unkovich
CU4Admin Limited

Kirsten French - integrated personal training

"Marion made what I tried to tell people what I do, come to life in an effective, easy-to-follow website.

Not long after working with Marion, she became ‘MM - Magical Marion’ to me."

Kirsten French
Kirsten French - integrated personal training

Paul McCarthy and Sarah Selwood Plastics Constructions Ltd

"Marion worked quickly, and was proactive and responsive.

She ultimately delivered a very smart, professional-looking website which showcases our work perfectly." 

Paul McCarthy and Sarah Selwood
Plastics Constructions Ltd

Giving Back

Sponsorship, support, and working for 'love'.

My Virtual Assistant strongly believes in giving back to the community.

I have enjoyed working 'for love' by proudly providing sponsorship and/or support to the following:

Virtual Assistant Network New Zealand (VANNZ) - sponsorship of 'new-to-the-industry' Virtual Assistants.

New Zealand Burn Support Group - website

The Cath Vincent Show - website and management team (Auckland, New Zealand)

South Pacific Animal Welfare (SPAW NZ) - communications

Raising it for Hilz (fundraising for Gastrointestinal Research New Zealand) - website

Curly from Shirley the Christchurch Dog, written by Emma Pullar (fundraising book for Christchurch Earthquake 2011) - website and book launch support

A Summer Wrap @ Valley de Sol, Howick, Auckland (fundraising event for Christchurch Earthquake 2011 and Hospice NZ) - website and event support.


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