Website Management

Is your website all about you or does it focus on your clients?

Need a website


You already have a website for your business!

You've already got a website, so all you need to do is sit back and enjoy the business it brings in, right?


So many business owners will get a website built and then never touch it again.

Yeah, I know you've spent time and money making sure your website is 'just right', but it doesn't stop there...

Websites that aren't updated regularly become stagnant and ignored by search engines.

A 'good' website is user-friendly, visually interesting, and caters to your customer's needs.

A 'great' website needs to constantly grow and change with your business.

Your website should be treated like a working document - forever requiring fine-tuning and adjustment.

Encourage your visitors to return to your website by regularly updating it with fresh, relevant content.

Website updates

Happy Clients

"Marion has been updating our websites since 2009. We have seven individual websites, so any changes to one site must be duplicated across the other six. 

Marion always responds promptly to my requests and makes the necessary changes quickly, easily and accurately."

Debbie Jessup

Ray White Eastern Group

"Our website was re-created within a very short period; onto a platform that is easy to edit, and at a cost that was incredibly reasonable.

We can also contact Marion if we need to solve any issues with posting or editing."

Fred Alder
Southern Stars Charitable Trust

Website help

It's okay to ask for help

Nobody expects you to do it all yourself.

As Kiwis, that DIY mentality is ingrained in our psyche, but it's tough trying to do everything on your own.

​Look at it this way... if your hourly rate is more than my hourly rate, that means any time you spend working on your website isn't saving you money.

If (for example) you're a builder, you should be out there building, because that's what generates your revenue and building is what you're good at!

Your focus should be on doing what you do best.

And while you're busy doing the things you're good at, you can trust me to:

  • edit and proofread your website text

  • upload images

  • keep product prices up to date

  • add Blog posts

  • and all that other website stuff you struggle with, don't have time for, or just don't want to do!

I'm here for you

I can help you on an ongoing basis, or when you simply need a hand with a one-off job, I'm here for that, too.

In a nutshell, I'll make sure your website focuses on what your customers are looking for.

That is, showcasing who you are and what you do, and get it working to promote your business.

And while I'm keeping your website looking sparkly fresh and glam, you can focus on doing the things you're good at.

Business support

"These days, your website is your shop window...

...and if your store front never changes, then what kind of impression are you sending out to the world?"

That's certainly something to ponder, isn't it?

Get in touch today and let's get started on turning your 'online window' into something your customers will want to stop and take a good look at.


New website

Website Design

When you know you need a website, but you really don't know where to start.

You'd like someone to guide you through the process and keep you updated along the way.

You want a website that connects with your dream client.

Website management

Website Management

When your existing website is looking a little ‘frayed around the edges’.

You're tired of its dated layout and it doesn’t focus on your clients the way it should.

Keeping the site updated feels difficult and overwhelming.

No Nonsense website

No Nonsense Website

When your Startup business is still in its first two years and you need to get online stat!

An affordable, 'no nonsense' website for $590* could be just what you need. 

Perfect for tradies, accountants, business/life coaches... and more!

*Conditions apply


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