It's not you, it's me... (a break up letter written to My Virtual Assistant's logo)

Dear old Logo,

You have been wonderful to me over the last six and a half years.

You were there for me right from the start and I truly appreciate all the loyalty, support and recognition you have given to me over the years.

We've had some really great times together, some good laughs, really fun moments and lots of shared memories.

But something’s missing.

We both know it.

Our time together is coming to an end and I know you understand.

There are only a couple of days left before we go our separate ways.

I have been procrastinating for a long while and putting it off for as long as I can, however, things just aren’t the same as they used to be.

I admire you for the sense of confidence and self esteem you have given me. You were there for me as I grew and we took on the world together.

Thank you for sharing this journey with me

I hope we can still be friends.  I will never forget you and you will always hold a special place in my heart.

Best wishes,


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