When two is definitely better than one

Back when my old computer decided to give up the ghost, I decided to replace it with a lovely new laptop.

Obviously, my laptop gives me the freedom to continue working in other locations apart from my home office and, when necessary, I can use it for off-site presentations and client meeting

However, with the sudden loss of my old computer I was left with a spare monitor, which I was ready to relegate to the garage until the next hard rubbish collection.

When I commented to wonderful Warrick Ward from Eclipse Computers, that it was a shame my old monitor had to be thrown out while it was still in pefect working condition, he 'magically' whipped out a cable and connected the monitor to my laptop. 

Who would have known you could do such a thing?!

That was well over a year ago now and I still wonder how I ever managed to work efficiently without two screens.

How I managed to work as an Executive Assistant for over 12 years in the 'real' world with just one computer screen is beyond me!

For example, being able to have my email open on one screen, while I work on a PowerPoint presentation on the other, or reading off a scanned handwritten document from a client on one screen whilst typing it up as a Word document on the other screen not only saves having to print out the handwritten article, it also means you can zoom in on something that is difficult to decipher.

Not having to constantly minimise screens when copying and pasting, creating images, maintaining websites, searching for something on the internet, etc, etc, etc, is certainly time saving and easy, and I have to say, I still quietly marvel at how the cursor can travel through the 'empty space' between the two monitor screens without disappearing altogether!

So, if your computer ever decides to stop functioning, don't think of it as an annoying problem, on the contrary, revel in the fact that you can look forward to the benefits of working with two computer screens.

Or even better, don't wait for your computer to die before you get that second screen!

Hmmm, all I need now is an extra socket in the back of my laptop, so I can attach a third screen...!

P.S.  In case you are wondering - that's my two year old Maine Coon cat, Saxon, (weighing in at 7.2kg) fast asleep on my desk!


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