Reasons why you don’t need to work with a Virtual Assistant

As a Virtual Assistant (VA) myself, I’m all about showing business owners why outsourcing tasks can be a game-changer.

But hey, working with a VA isn’t for everyone.

If any of the following sound like you, then it’s best you avoid going down the Virtual Assistant route:

1. You prefer a ‘real’ assistant
You enjoy the idea of paying someone to be on the clock even when they’re not working - sick days, holidays, chatting to their co-workers, and all that. Plus, you like contributing to their KiwiSaver and covering their training and equipment costs. If these perks are of value to you, a VA won’t be your cup of tea, because Virtual Assistants don’t charge for any of these things.

2. You’re perfectly happy with less time to spend with your family
Your work-life balance is impeccable, and you don’t feel the need to spend any more time with your loved ones. Evenings and weekends are reserved for work, and you’re not interested in reclaiming some of that time for relaxing, doing fun stuff, and socialising with your friends.

3. You’re always on top of things
You never need a break, never get sick, and you never wish you had someone to bounce your ideas off. There’s no one else who can handle your business like you do, and you never need any support.

4. Growing your business isn’t on your radar
You are content with your current setup and don’t have plans to expand or increase your income. You’re totally fine with handling everything yourself, including the less enjoyable tasks. Freeing up your time isn’t a priority for you.

5. You love being a Jack of All Trades
Working long hours and managing every aspect of your business yourself is your jam. You enjoy keeping track of every detail and love micromanaging. After all, nobody else can do it better than you, right?

6. Day-to-day tasks are your forte
You thrive on handling the nitty-gritty tasks like processing expenses, updating your website, doing your taxes, and creating endless social media posts. You just love all the day-to-day stuff, and because your business is super-successful, your sales happen on their own. Plus, you have so much spare time, so it’s easy for you to keep on top of everything.

7. Your clients are already well-cared for
You’re super-fast at responding to emails, quick to return calls, and replying to client feedback is your super-power. You constantly check in with your clients, and regularly ask if they need help, advice, and how they’re doing, so they really don’t need any extra TLC.

8. Finding a Virtual Assistant is a hassle
It’s true that finding the right VA may take some time and effort. If you’re too busy to invest in this process and prefer to stick with your current workload, that’s okay. Keep doing what you’re doing!

9. You already have a Virtual Assistant
If you’re already working with an awesome VA (they are all awesome!), then you have good reason to feel pretty smug right now. Virtual Assistants really do love what they do, and they have a vested interest in helping you – tbh, probably a whole lot more than an in-house assistant does – because if your business is successful, then your VA’s business is also successful.

If none of these points resonated with you and you’re curious to find out how working with a Virtual Assistant could benefit you, feel free to get in touch.

I’m connected with a fantastic network of Virtual Assistants throughout New Zealand who are ready, willing, and able to help you reclaim some of your precious time.

And, if I can’t help you directly, I’ll put you in touch with someone who can.


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