Unblock your website's blockages

When it comes to getting a website for your business, especially when you are in the early stages of setting up your business, chances are it all feels a little overwhelming.

And even if you’ve been in business for a while and you already have a website, when was the last time you took a good hard look at it?

Whether you’re a business newbie or not, when it comes to your website there are questions you should be asking yourself:

  • Does your website target your ideal customer?

  • Do you actually know who your ideal customer is?

  • Is the information easy for your website visitor to find?

  • Is the text easy to read, or is it full of jargon?

  • Does your website copy ooze personality or is it formal and starchy?

  • Is your website text broken up with headings and subheadings making it easier for people to scan through and find what they are looking for, or is it written in large blocks of text?

  • Is the content written for everyone, or does it speak directly to your ideal client?

  • Do you know what your client’s pain points and problems are?

  • Does your website focus on your customers or is it all about you and your business?

  • Does your website focus on the emotional benefits that people will receive, or does it sell the features of your products and/or services?

  • Does your website encourage people to imagine what it’s like to use your services and/or experience your products?

  • Do the photographs on your website invoke feelings or are they generic images?

  • Do you ask your clients for Testimonials?  If so, how often do you add them onto your website?  Do you ask clients a specific question to help their Testimonial be of benefit to your potential clients?

  • Is your website specific?  For example, does your contact form say, ‘Thanks for contacting us, we’ll be in touch within 24 hours’.  Or does it simply say, ‘Thanks for contacting us, we’ll be in touch’?

  • How often do you add fresh content onto your website?

All of these questions need to be considered for your business website, whether you're planning a brand-new site or already have an existing site.

To get the ball rolling on a brand-new site for your business, here’s what you need to do:

  • Click here to drop My Virtual Assistant an email.

  • I will respond within 24 hours (Mon - Fri) providing you with full information on how to get started.

  • Then the fun begins!  I will start creating your website for you and provide you with a draft copy of your new website, which can be amended as required.

  • Once you are happy with your website, I’ll make it go ‘live’ (that’s the really exciting part!)

  • After the site is up and running, My Virtual Assistant is always on hand for ongoing updates or you can make small changes for yourself.

It’s that easy!

So, what’s stopping you from getting a fabulous website for your business now?

Absolutely nothing!

My Virtual Assistant is here to discuss what you need, keep you updated, and support you along the way.

Click here to get in touch today


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