Getting creative

After just over two years in business, somehow I seem to have 'fallen' into creating websites for my clients.

I have always been pretty creative (I'm crazy about art and interior design) and when I was working in the 'real' world co-workers used to refer to me as the 'Layout Queen'.

I guess it's just that I like things to look good on a page!

I absolutely can't stand it when words are wrapped incorrectly, for example, in the case of 'New Zealand', when 'New' is at the end of one line and 'Zealand' is at the beginning of the next line, or when a centered heading or headline is broken up in the wrong place - it just irks me!

When I was first setting up My Virtual Assistant I decided to build my own website.

This was something I hadn't ever done before so there was a lot of trial and error (mostly error!) and a whole lot of frustration.

The end result was okay, but nowhere near what I had hoped for.

People said they liked my website, but I couldn't get the layout right, things weren't centered properly and I just couldn't get pictures and text to line up how I wanted them to.

Around about a year later, I stumbled across template websites and quickly set about creating an entirely new website for my business.

Finally, I was able to place things on a page where I wanted them to be and the whole creative process was so easy to use, especially compared with my old website.

Not long afterwards I was talking to a client who said she really wanted a website for her start-up business and a quote of $3,000 from a website company was something she really couldn't afford.

I told her about template websites and she asked me to create one for her.  In just eight hours she had a new website and I had saved her $2,600!  Needless to say, she was thrilled.

Since then I have created websites for various other clients and I love every minute of it.

Once my creative energy kicks in I even surprise myself as to where it leads - and the best part is, my clients are very happy with the end result (and price)!


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