Notice of Rate Increase
25 November 2024
My Virtual Assistant promises to always keep its customers informed and up to date with every aspect of the business as soon as possible.
To ensure I can continue to operate and provide the quality of work you have come to expect, I must raise my hourly rate to meet inflation and operational costs.
In this instance, an increase is necessary due to an across-the-board New Zealand cost of living increase of 5.4%, as of June 2024.
A 5.4% increase would take my hourly rate to $75.89, however, I have chosen to keep my rate as low as possible.
I therefore wish to advise that My Virtual Assistant's rate will increase to $74.00 per hour plus GST, effective 01 April 2025.
Note: Time is billed in 15-minute increments, with a minimum charge of $18.50 plus GST.
Thank you for your understanding and for your valued business.
Yours sincerely
Marion Jackson
My Virtual Assistant
(All prices are in New Zealand dollars and are subject to change/increase.)